
And this moment is my path

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4: Personal Day of Compassion

Remember the compassion within your heart.

Take time to write a thank you note to someone just for being them.

Surprise a friend with your love.

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3 De-Stressor


Victor Frankl said, “The last of the human freedoms is the freedom to choose our spirit in any circumstance.” He was right.

Today, choose an uplifting, inspired spirit of living!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Making friends with stress

I often am asked to give talks on stress management. A few years ago I began to provide a handout that listed stress busters for each day of the month. 

I find December to be especially stressful--holidays, too much junk food, managing money, the skies turn gray...even with the very much appreciated merriment of friends and tinsel, I really have to take time to be in touch with my stress and make friends with it.

Here are two de-stressers, one for December 1 and the other for December 2. Look for one a day throughout the whole month!

December 1: Stress is a part of life. Today, give it a name, an identity. Let it know that it has a home, but not free reign. Set rules for stress. Make it a respectful friend. You don’t need to love it; just get along.

December 2: Throw off regrets. Stress often talks us into believing that life would be better if we had made different choices. Maybe so; maybe not. For now, you only have this moment. Put regrets into a box and out of the way. Embrace today.