
And this moment is my path

Friday, January 21, 2011

Do Your Best

Finishing Reed's Lake 1oK

We stumble when we give in to our lowest expectations of ourselves--when we deliberately accept less than our best. Today, challenge yourself to do your best--focus on the work given to you; hold each cup with both hands.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

We're all in the race together

You are me and I am you.
It is obvious that we are inter-are.
You cultivate the flower in
yourself so that I will be beautiful.
...I transform the garbage in myself so
that you do not have to suffer.
I support you you support me.
I am here to bring you peace
you are here to bring me joy.

- Thich Naht Hahn

Monday, January 17, 2011


The moment you think only of yourself, the focus of your whole reality narrows, and because of this narrow focus, uncomfortable things can appear huge and bring you fear and discomfort and a sense of feeling overwhelmed by misery.

The Dalai Lama

Connect with others today. Smile at someone. Open the door for a stranger. It often means more to accept someone's hand than it does to offer your own. Look around and appreciate the goodness of those around you--family, friends, co-workers, and strangers. To open your heart is to open your mind. And start with yourself--take a moment to forgive and be kind and understanding to yourself.

Remember, we're all in this together.