
And this moment is my path

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bayshore Marathon Training Update, etc.

The riverwalk around the Grand River, where I regularly run in the very early morning hours.
  1. Bayshore Marathon Training Update: We completed our goal of 20 miles this week, including our (relatively short) 6-mile long run. The weather fully cooperated, with unseasonably warm temps in Grand Rapids. It did, however rain on Friday, so we opted to run indoors at the Y. One mile on the track, two miles on the treadmill, another mile on the track, and then about 5 minutes of tossing a medium weight medicine ball back on forth while we steadied (attempted to steady) ourselves on BOSU. Legs feel good, although I can already tell the difference that running 5-days in a row makes. And, we of course did two spin classes on Monday. 
  2. Eating better! Rather than spending money at local diners every morning, I'm limiting myself to two dining out breakfasts per week. The other days, we brought breakfast to the Y. Bananas, yogurt, oatmeal, chocolate milk, Babybel, and of course coffee.
  3. Making modest progress on my reading list. A finished book is promised by midweek!
  4. Credit cards continue to be crushed. Cash only, please.

Other stuff:
I attended the Living Well health expo at DeVos Place. The highlight was hearing and seeing Marathon Don Kern, who inspired us all with his stories. He ended by saying, "Amazing is part of every person." Left me teary and grateful!

So...what are you grateful for? What were your accomplishments? Whom did you inspire this week?