I was recently asked how my race went. MUCH better than last year!
Last year I was a bit under-prepared and the weather was AWFUL! Windy, rainy, and cold. I crossed the finish(ed) line dazed, sore, and cold and said to John, "Never again!" But, when Gilda's Club called to ask if I would run again this year to raise money for them, I unhesitatingly said, "yes!"
I did a better job of preparing this year--more consistency and more patience. I also took ownership of my running abilities--choosing to run for pleasure rather than always trying to be faster. The article in RW about running and meditation was extremely helpful. I also picked up a copy of Run Less, Run Faster and began following some of those workouts. Tapering was, admittedly, a challenge. The week before the race I was anxious and wanted to run long. But I stayed on my plan and the morning of race day, I felt ready!
I ended up getting snookered into running with Team White Caps (only one guy, my buddy Ernie showed up), but I had access to the hospitality suite at DeVos Place, so that was cool, and I stayed warm and comfy until the race began. I was very meticulous in eating the right balance at the appointed hour, sipping water, blah, blah, blah. I also chomped down a few caffeine-laced Sports Beans, which, as it turns out are a diuretic!
So, I saw some good friends who were doing the 5K and 10K, had plenty of good pep talk going on, and made my way to the pacers (10:30 for me, so as to not start out too fast).
I immediately had to pee. I ignored that and the race began. Before I finished mile 1, I had to stop at the porta-John, which already had a line (of determined, but patient women). By the time I got in and out, the back of the pack (the guy with the POW flag!) was in front of me! But, I hustled back up, past the joy walkers, past the 12:30, the 12:00, the 11:30 pacers, all the way back up to my buddies in the 10:30 pace group. I was still feeling good (and relieved) so ran ahead.
The first 7ish miles are great, you know. Tree-lined path with the river. I was still feeling strong and keeping a comfortable pace (Kris, Rudy, and other friends would've been finished by now). As soon as we made the turn back toward GR, the path loses the tree cover and we're running exposed past the golf course. So, then it got cold. Not unbearable, but enough to be distracting. I was still good, though!
I made it just into town, when to my right I saw a co-worker, Steve. Many years ago he finished the Old Kent in 1:40 and some change. But he was right there with me. I said, "Hey, Steve!" He looked over, smiled and said, "This is hard!" I said, "Keep at it; we've only got three more miles!"
And I kept running.
I was still good, but tired by mile 15 on the bridge. People were cheering and that was great. We all turned left (north) onto Monroe--directly into 45 mile hour winds from the north. It was AWFUL! But we kept at it and I finished in 2:40. John was on the grassy knoll with the video camera and gave me a nice shout out. I told him that Steve was right behind me and John got his finish on camera, too. I turned back to cheer Steve on and he finished and gave me a big bear hug.
A long cold shower, followed by a trip to Rose's with onion rings and beer! And then, of course, a power nap.
And yes, I will absolutely run the RBR again next year!