I often notice my desire for things to be suddenly different is followed by the mental search for a solution, a plan or a program. We desire gyms to make us more fit, therapists to make us mentally well, diets to make us slimmer; the list goes on. But the primary path to anything is awareness.
Awareness of our internal and infinite strength swirls in the mingle of our most vulnerable weaknesses. Buddhism is the middle way; we coexist with everything and nothing. There is no peace, just as there is no chaos. There is only this, and this is now that.
The moment we look FOR something, we've allowed ourselves to look away from what is there. With eyes wide open, we can allow ourselves to see through delusion, to be with all thought, all knowledge, all images, and in pure darkness, knowing that true reality is fleeting. That is enlightenment.
It is useful to let go of the illusory need to see. We most benefit from looking without being held hostage by an expectation that we will see. Looking is enough.