Develop a mind that is vast like the water, where experiences both pleasant and unpleasant can appear and disappear without conflict, struggle, or harm. Rest in a mind like vast water.
When our body experiences pain, that pain cannot be partitioned off neatly. While pain is physical, and suffering, mental--any type of pain is holistic. Whether we have burned our fingers while cooking, or are healing from a major surgery, our mind, soul, social relationships, and mind intermingle striving to make sense of the pain--to give reason to a complex experience that transcends explanation. This meditation allows you to fully be in your experience, letting go of any search for reason or desire for an end to pain.
Breathe deeply. Be with your breath and embrace all the sensations within your being; accept your pain, fear, anger, and hope. Know that many of your friends and family experience your pain, although in ways different than you. Take a moment to expand your experience to include your imaginations of the hope, friendship, love, and support others wish for you. Slowly say the name of each family member or friend who you know is wishing you peace; thank them. As your experience expands, stay with your breath. As you breathe in, say, “this moment is mine, but I am not alone; I am bringing life to my experience.” As you breathe out, say, “I am allowing fear to move through and out of my body; I am learning from my experience.” Allow your breath to move as it does, whether that be easily or more labored; observe your breathing and give yourself permission to be fully in each moment.