Hagen writes that we often seek enlightenment to escape delusion. I am often aware of my own difficulties with embracing tranquility. If enlightenment includes a state of tranquility, have we not been, at least those of us in Western countries, strongly discouraged from being tranquil and therefore, perhaps from being enlightened?
When I choose to write, or sit, or do any one thing, my mind flits from option to option. I feel compelled to make lists, set goals, and accrue accomplishments. I have moments of repose, but they often seem like activities on the list that can be checked off.
Pema Chodron wrote, "Even the simplest of things can be the basis of practice--a beautiful morning, a good meal, a shower." After listening to a Zencast, I accepted the reality that our actions are our practice. We do not go about life, then go about our practice--they are one in the same--inseparable. That, it seems is the essence of integrity. And, because we are all interconnected, my practice is an element of yours, and your practice contributes to mine. When I take time to notice the beautiful morning, have I not contributed to the stillness of my community? When I enjoy a meal with friends, do we all not slow our eating and create interconnectedness?
When we engage in the delusion of separateness, we distance ourselves from the moment; we hold our spiritual breath. Hagen writes that "we keep hoping that somehow we'll throw the right spiritual switch and enlightenment will flash on at last." This passage has brought awareness to my propensity to plan, often as a way to put off reality: "I'm on the path; erring and erring I walk the unerring path; this is part of my journey and I'm just not there yet." And so it goes...
Inherent in this deluded way of thinking is the message that I am not enough yet, and that I need more. More enlightenment, more accomplishments, more books, more Zencasts...if my life is my practice, then I suppose I also need more physical fitness, more fiscal responsibility, more professional accomplishments.
But, when I accept the reality that all I have is what I have at this moment, and that what I have allows for spontaneous enlightenment, then I have a profound sense of responsibility. That my energies and actions matter. That when I practice lovingkindness I contribute to the celestial collectiveness of our being.
Hagen writes, "there can only be one place: right here, right now."
What is your practice? How do you express your enlightenment?
Hagen always tells us we are Awake. We just seem to be too entralled with dreamy sleep to notice.
Great posting.
So true. I struggle to get my head and heart round the idea that zazen is completely useless... just exists for its own sake. And yet, we have to be there, or we are elsewhere.
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